We’ve had great success thinking outside the box. Should your health problem defy conventional understanding, an unconventional approach may be the solution. Once corrected, your body will do what comes naturally – heal itself. We then use a comprehensive range of effective, non-invasive natural therapies to correct the problem. They help us to understand your unique body makeup and identify the root causes of any temporary (acute) or recurring (chronic) health issues you may have. To accomplish all this, we take advantage of the latest in clinical and laboratory diagnostic techniques. We stimulate your body’s self-healing functions.We correct the underlying causes of your illness and remove the obstacles to recovery.We fortify your body’s weaknesses and deficiencies with the right diet, nutritional supplements and, if indicated, natural hormone therapies.We reduce the risk and discomfort of whatever illness you might have with the safest and most effective means, including natural medicines and pharmaceutical drugs when necessary (Yes, Naturopathic doctors can and do prescribe pharmaceutical medications when necessary).If you decide to become a patient, you will benefit from the most advanced natural healthcare options available.